Changelog: Infermedica Triage

Keep up-to-date with all our Triage module improvements.


February 5th, 2025

  • Updated and unified the UI across Infermedica's products with lighter colors and fonts, as well as a simplified interview page structure.  
  • Updated the design of pdf reports to reflect the new style, include Infermedica Intake content, and offer more configuration options, including the ability to remove sections, change disclaimers, and change styles.
  • Improved the Intent Survey with explanations of care levels, a simplified question flow, and more configuration options.
  • Added the soft stop alert type to Mental Health as an extra safety feature. 
  • Added more ways to configure CTAs, including by triage level, condition category, condition, specialist, channel, and age/sex.

Note: this is a gradual rollout, meaning the timing may vary slightly from client to client.


August 29th, 2024

  • Improved the Rationale copy for Intent Survey, in particular better examples of mental health problems requiring urgent care.
  • Added a new event, trackable as “starting interview”, when progressing from the Message screen.


June 28th, 2024

  • Created a way to change where Plans survey is placed
  • Added Intent survey and Plans survey results to Data exporter
  • Disabled the skipping of Age and Sex questions


March 13th, 2024

  • Updated the disclaimers and logic for single possible condition, leading to:

    • four specific disclaimers instead of one,

    • the removal of the "only less likely conditions" notification (replaced by a disclaimer),
    • less likely conditions being hidden under the “Less likely conditions” button only when there is at least one Strong and/or Moderate condition in the rankings.
  • Extended CTA visibility conditions to account for Mental Health conditions.


December 4th, 2023

  • Extended the Intake signup options to include email.
  • Added client-specific agreements as an option when signing up for Intake.
  • Improved how analytics work when switching from Triage to another product.


October 26th, 2023

  • Added the Portuguese (Portugal) language. 
  • Improved the initial loading times.
  • Improved the way in which users select their age.
  • Implemented a new flow for Risk factors.
  • Implemented custom risk factors.
  • Made integration with Intake clearer by adding more explanations.

  • Added more information to the downloadable PDF report, particularly regarding interview results.

  • Added the ability to report interview issues on every question screen.

  • Allowed for users to search and select multiple synonyms of the same symptom.

  • Created a new interview flow, focused on mental health problems.

  • Added an option for providing feedback in Patient Education articles.

  • Made the way the Suggest screen functions more consistent and predictable.

  • Fixed a few smaller bugs:

    • Translated country names in phone number dropdown,

    • Ensured URL parameters injected properly,

    • Age can now be inputted in scientific notation,

    • Ensured that if a PDF report is downloaded in multiple languages, it’s always downloaded in the correct ones.


July 3rd, 2023

  • Made all of the features uniform across Infermedica Triage, meaning faster release times.
  • Introduced various UI improvements.
  • Added a confirmation before restarting the interview, making sure users don't accidentally lose their progress.
  • Introduced several minor accessibility fixes.


May 12th, 2023

  • Added another layer of request validation, aimed at detecting third party data manipulation


April 19th, 2023

  • Improved hCaptcha verification
      • Added additional manual captcha challenges
      • Verified multiple user actions on single captcha verification
  • Updated analytic library, which involved fixes in the handling of newer devices
  • Changed duration on question about recent travel


March 17th, 2023

  • Expanded usage of client generated access tokens in order to minimize unauthorized access.


February 28th, 2023

  • Created integration with Infermedica Intake
      • Allowing for the continuation of a Triage interview with pre-filled patient data from Intake
  • Changed Intent Survey to provide better ROI information
      • Added configurable options to improve regional usability
      • Simplified questions to make average user time shorter
  • Fixed accessibility issues
      • Language selector is now navigable via keyboard, even on smaller resolutions
      • Screen no longer moves around when zooming in while using the Samsung Internet browser
      • Continents are correctly focused now on the Map screen
      • All error (and success) notifications will now be prioritized by the screen reader
      • Screen reader now confirms the removal of any initial symptoms
      • Body model now hidden for screen reader users, as text search is more accessible
      • CTA for requesting additional information about a question is focusable
      • Brand logo now has a label explaining it resets the interview
      • Feedback option labels now translated for every language we use


February 15th, 2023

  • Fixed a critical bug with Triage level not being updated after manually navigating to interview start.


January 11th, 2023

  • Simplified instance creation by adding common changes as configuration options, including:
      • main “booking” CTA,
      • CTA per condition,
      • specialist & channel recommendation adjustment.
  • Improved the accessibility of the language selector for screen readers.
  • Fixed scrolling helper for iFrame embed.


October 18th, 2022

  • Created new copy for question rationale.
  • Improvements to multi-configuration setups.
  • Created the first feature flag for 3 level triage.
  • Minor fixes.


September 21st, 2022

  • CAPTCHA improvements both for knowledge security and user experience. We’ve:
      • Added hCaptcha as alternative for reCAPTCHA,
      • Tracked CAPTCHA fails in internal analytics,
      • Grouped some requests together so that the CAPTCHA process is shorter.
  • Minor interface fixes.


September 9th, 2022

  • Accessibility changes made to improve our WCAG 2.1 compliance:
      • ordered content for screen readers,
      • hid inaccessible functionalities,
      • added zoom in on mobile devices.
  • Improved the legal copy to be more compatible with various Medical Device definitions.
  • Fixed setup for custom CTAs.


August 18th, 2022

  • Medical accreditation details and certification labels have been added to the initial screen to increase the user's trust in the tool’s abilities.
  • Common names with symptom details added to provide users with understandable options and increase the % of users that follow the recommendations.
  • Navigation mechanism refactored and fixed all related issues.
  • Improved copy to make it easier and more understandable to use the application:
      • from “I smoke cigarettes” to I have smoked cigarettes for at least 10 years;
      • updated for intent and plan survey from “None of the above” to “Do nothing”;
      • changed forms from they/their to she/he depending on answers.

Note: The product name has been changed from Symptom Checker to Infermedica Triage


June 9th, 2022

  • Patient Education improved to increase the number of users who follow the self care recommendation by providing them with more information about the condition and guidance on what to do next.
  • CTA improved to make it easier to configure and track using new analytics tools.
  • Added more template slots to minimize the work needed to be done when creating a new configuration. Also simplified maintenance.
  • Refactored the Vuex store to Pinia, which made it quicker and easier to setup and store tests.
  • Allowed for the correct use of symptom names in the Rationale side panels, improving the quality of translations in Symptom Checker. This was necessary to allow for the correct use of symptom names in the nominative in the Rationale side panels, as indicated by translators.
  • Removed authorization through Firebase. 
  • Resolved several tasks involving new analytics to gather Patient Education data.
  • Changed Intent Survey text - which allowed us to perform the correct translations for both 3rd person and Pediatrics forms.


April 7th, 2022

  • Improvements made to the Results page to increase the number of users who follow our recommendations.
  • New analytics events added, including the ability to see how often users refresh or select 'more details' about a condition.
  • Lots of translation improvements identified.
  • Improved status messages as well as recovery options should a user lose internet connection.
  • Over 35 minor bug fixes completed. 


February 18th, 2022

  • Critical bug fixed. This was fixed before any users were affected.


February 17th, 2022

  • Several privacy-related improvements:
      • Replaced Google Fonts with an open source fonts repository,
      • Enabled disabling of Google Firebase,
      • Enabled disabling of Sentry.
  • reCAPTCHA automated testing: Changed to enable automated testing to work with reCAPTCHA.
  • Analytics funnel bug: A fix to 'new analytics' that was breaking funnel tracking.


January 28, 2022

  • Intent survey. We asked users at the start and end of the interview what they intended to do next e.g. self care or go to the hospital. This means that now we can track the impact of current and future Symptom Checker features against user intent.
  • reCAPTCHA improvements. We’ve added reCAPTCHA to the core product so that it can be used for additional protection against bots in instances. 
  • Minor bugs fixed:
      • Evidence level not displaying correctly in conditions sidebar panel.
      • Reversed bolding and inconsistent capitalisation in the symptom search autocomplete feature.
      • Age URL param accepting any value. URL params are used to repopulate risk factors like age so that the user does not need to fill them out if they’ve provided them elsewhere in the application.
      • Sidebar error that showed in the wrong place - at the top rather than above the ‘call to action’.


January 4, 2022

  • New language: Romanian. Symptom Checker is now available in 16 languages.
  • Speed up configuration. Removed screen editor and replaced with JSON file. This should significantly speed up configuration and testing of new instances, as configuration will now be done once, not separately for every language.
  • Backend refactored. In this release we've completely rebuilt our old Healthform backend, essentially creating a new one. This included removing a lot of unnecessary code, improving the code we need, updating Django and other critical dependencies, increasing the test coverage and improving documentation.
  • Improved analytics. Further improvements to support ‘new analytics’. This included adding an app version to each event, changes to the screen logic which made it easier to see what happened on what page, and new events for the "Calendar" and "Add info" actions.
  • Monitoring improvements. Sentry integrated with test environments (not just prod) and started sending error logs to syserr/console.

Bugs fixed

  • The offline notification is now also implemented in side panels. We’ve made sure that the offline message will not be displayed anymore in the main content area when a side panel is opened offline.
  • Language selector dropdown and Search dropdown now in line with Navigation patterns. Selecting languages and symptoms is now smooth and easy when navigating with the keyboard.
  • More texts now adapted to the Someone else mode. Missing strings have been added to Crowdin and to the app.
  • Selecting the language currently selected resumes the interview. Now selecting the current language closes the language selector without losing progress.
  • The calendar no longer closes after clicking an input field. Now the calendar switches to the tab that is dedicated to the input field.
  • IFrame: side panels content now visible without scrolling up. We’ve implemented an automatic scroll.
  • IFrame: no difference in height between the side panels and background questions.


November 17, 2021


  • New languages: Czech, Italian, Portuguese, Slovak, Turkish and Ukrainian. Six new languages are now ready to use. Symptom Checker is now available in 15 languages.
  • Improved translations. While working on new languages we corrected a lot of linguistic and grammatical errors, especially those concerning users that use Symptom Checker on behalf of someone else.

Bugs fixed

  • The Medical Certification screen now contains accurate data. We’ve updated the current app version and release date as well as making sure it will always be up-to-date.


October 26, 2021

Bugs fixed

  • Possible conditions no longer disappear. The list of diseases on the Results screen is now visible even if the internet connection drops out.
  • Select one answer in each row“ does not appear on mobile. Instead, we show another instruction, one that is more precise: “Select one answer for each statement“.
  • The plural of nouns is now correct. Whether it's one star or five stars, one month or nine months; we've made sure that the plural forms for different nouns are correct in every language.
  • The Arabic language version no longer contains untranslated words. We’ve noticed that the calendar widget contained some words in English, and fixed this.



  • New languages: Dutch and French. Welkom en groeten! Bienvenue et salutations! Two more languages were thoroughly tested and are now ready for use.
  • Article excerpts. Not sure what lactose intolerance or malaria is? Thanks to the open source content provided by NHS Choices and Medline Plus, users can now learn more about the conditions that may be causing their symptoms.

Bugs fixed

  • User is now shown the correct element after closing the side panel. Instead of going back to the first element shown on the screen, the user now returns to seeing the element that caused the panel to appear.
  • The header is now visible when Pediatrics features are disabled. In some cases, the application header was hidden. Now it’s visible at all times.
  • The scroll is only visible when it's needed. We've fixed a number of issues that caused the scroll (both horizontal and vertical) to appear when it wasn't needed.
  • IFrame now at the correct height. IFrame grows and shrinks accordingly when the content length changes (and the iFrame helper is configured accordingly).
  • The calendar widget fits in the iFrame. We made sure that the calendar is visible, even when the iFrame is really small and the available space is very limited.



  • Safe internal analytics. Symptom Checker is now independent of third party analytics like Google Analytics or Amplitude. Every event (any interaction between a user and Symptom Checker) we track is now stored in our internal database. These events are cleared up, grouped, and displayed via our dashboards.
  • More events and actions. Up until now, the ability to see how our users interacted with the Symptom Checker has been limited. We took this opportunity to update the list of data points we will track. Newly tracked events include search queries, transitions between screens (conversion funnel), and clicks on the body model.


  • Under the hood work. Configuration just got a bit easier. By leveraging the new technologies and a different approach to overriding defaults, Infermedica developers can now configure and ship new Symptom Checker setups faster and easier than ever before.
  • Detailed design previews. Now you can see the complete set of screens before we hand them off to the developers. The tool we use for this is Figma.


  • New progress bar. Sometimes, due to the limited screen space, we'll hide the side navigation. However, we may still want to display interview progress. In these situations, we'll use a new progress bar, usually located above the question.
  • 401 Not authorized screen. Authorization tokens are required to use our Symptom Checker on your website. In some cases, this token may be invalid or expired. Should that be the case, we'll now show a dedicated info screen.
  • Health data processing consent. We’ve added consent for processing health data (second checkbox) to the Terms of Service screen.


  • Focus. Now the focus indicator (the blue border around the focused element) is only visible when using a keyboard.
  • Keyboard scroll. It doesn’t matter how long the page is, now you can scroll through it all using only a keyboard.


  • The age confirmation window now displays the correct value (“Date of birth“ screen). The Age confirmation feature was previously missing when users selected an age via the calendar widget.


  • Fixed problems entering the birth year. We noticed that sometimes it was not possible to enter a birth year. For instance, users would get stuck on "201" when they wanted to enter "2012". This is now fixed.



  • Farewell Angular, welcome Vue.js. Symptom Checker (the front-end of it, to be precise) was recreated completely from scratch. From a user's perspective, this means better app performance and more frequent product updates.
  • Faster, on both mobile and desktop. The app will now load faster and download less data, which is especially important on mobile devices. Our Lighthouse Performance score at the time of writing this was 95 out of 100.
  • Brand new testing procedures. One of our top priorities is to ensure a smooth experience across all different types of browsers and devices. This is why we spent a tremendous amount of time working on our new testing procedures and scenarios, which are now ISO-13485 compliant. 

Design system

  • New scalable design system. Our Symptom Checker is now built from small reusable blocks called components. Each component is tested before it can be used. This makes configuring the Symptom Checker’s easier than ever before.
  • 200+ components. Our design system consists of 201 different components, including both simple ones, like button and input, and more complex ones like date picker or the mega menu.
  • Design tokens. Each color, font size, and margin is a variable. There’s no room for randomness, everything is now consistent.


  • Design refresh. We took this opportunity to refresh the look of the Symptom Checker. The changes are subtle, but they make the app even more delightful and easy to use.
  • Text aligned to left. Centered text is visually appealing, but less readable. That's why we decided to align everything to the left.
  • Updated icons. Icons, along with other elements of our design system, have been standardized. Their size and color are now consistent throughout the app.
  • Thoughtful use of color. Every color has its own meaning and evokes emotions. Because of this, we've decided to stop using colors when displaying icons (yes/no/don’t know) and condition probabilities (horizontal bars).
  • Validation messages. We've created new tips and instructions (e.g. “Add at least one symptom“), making it much clearer what the app is asking us to do.
  • Copy updates. We added new explanations (e.g., why Symptom Checker only allows you to choose between male and female) and edited a few texts (e.g. “Results“ are now “Possible conditions“).


  • Accessibility features. We want to ensure that all Symptom Checker users (including people with disabilities) have equal access to information and functionality. From now on, every new feature will be designed and implemented with accessibility in mind. We will use Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1) as the benchmark.
  • Accessibility testing. We continuously do both automated and manual testing. If a new feature does not pass testing, it will not be released to the public.
  • Keyboard accessibility. We've made it possible to go through an entire interview using just the keyboard. The blue border shows which item is active at any given time.
  • Better color contrast. According to the WebAIM Million report for 2021, 86.4 percent of home pages have low contrast text. We don’t want to be in this group. As such, we've decided to improve the contrast ratio between text and background, making it more readable for everyone.
  • Increased text size. There’s a second way (besides contrast) to improve the legibility of the text – text size. We've increased the basic text size from 15 to 16 point text.
  • Larger links and buttons. Have you ever struggled to click on a link because it was too small? Or clicked a link you didn’t intend to click? This problem should no longer occur in our Symptom Checker as we've decided to enlarge the interactive elements (such as links and buttons).
  • Accessibility labels and descriptions. Not everyone can see what’s on the screen. Thus, we added labels and descriptions in code that can be used by screen readers and other assistive devices.


  • ISO-13485 compliance. Our Symptom Checker is now in compliance with ISO-13485. This means that our software development process is validated and certified by an external organization (TÜV Nord).
  • Medical Certification. The “CE Marking” screen has become the “Medical Certification” screen and is still available in the footer.
  • Interview ID. A unique ID is assigned to each interview. Patients can use this ID to completely erase their interview data.


  • Additional URLs. Each side panel (e.g. Terms of Service or Privacy Policy) is now accessible via a unique link.